08.01.2019 Dodgers NightThis entry was posted in Media Library PPC Gallery on 2019년 October 2일 by Webmaster Dodger stadium, Dodger Dogs, and Dodger fans!
06.17.2019 장신동문의 밤 (Presbyterian Seminary Alumni Association)This entry was posted in Media Library PPC Gallery on 2019년 October 2일 by Webmaster
06.16.2019 야외예배 (Church Picnic)This entry was posted in Media Library PPC Gallery on 2019년 October 1일 by Webmaster Every year we go to Rose Bowl and enjoy fellowship and Korean BBQ!
05.17.2019 유년부 OutingThis entry was posted in Media Library PPC Gallery on 2019년 October 1일 by Webmaster Our Pre-K & Kindergarten students and their families
05.12.2019 어버이 주일 (Parents Day)This entry was posted in Media Library PPC Gallery on 2019년 October 1일 by Webmaster In Korean Culture, instead of Mothers Day & Fathers Day, it is one day, Parents Day.